The Color Kit! allows students to explore the complex and diverse world of colors. The instructional guidelines included in the set help guide the class through many experiments, including:
Breaking down white light into its fundamental colors.
Using colored lights to create new colors (additive synthesis).
Studying the behavior of colored filters (subtractive synthesis).
Creating invisible paintings with a myriad of colors using polarizing filters.
This kit provides an engaging way for students to learn about the science and art of colors.
4x Rainbow Glasses
7x Colored Filters
1x CD
4x Slotted Black Cardboards
2x Polarizing Filters
1x Transparent Sheet
1x Plastic Palette
1x Scotch Tape
3x LED Flashlights
3x Flashlight Hood Cardboards
3x Flashlight Filters (RGB)
1x A5 White Sheet of Paper
1x Instructions